Intuitive Nutrition - Workshop with Eileen Pesarini

Together on this journey to intuitive eating, I want to create added value based on my own experiences. In this workshop, I will share nutritional advice, you will get practical tips, we will do exercises together and I will tell my own story. 😊

This workshop is for you if you…

  • are looking for support in developing intuitive eating habits.
  • want to establish a positive mindset in the area of ​​nutrition.
  • strive for freedom and joy in eating.
  • your thoughts should no longer only revolve around food.

My goal is to create a safe environment for sharing experiences and knowledge in order to grow together on the path to healthy and intuitive eating habits. ✨

The workshop will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (there will be a question and answer session at the end, so please allow a little more time).

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    Intuitive Nutrition - Workshop with Eileen Pesarini

    Frequently asked questions

    Who is the workshop suitable for?

    It is important to stress that I am a qualified nutritionist and will share my experience in this area. However, I am not a psychologist and therefore I am not the right person to talk to if you are struggling with eating disorders. ❤️

    If you feel easily triggered by statements about food, are currently recovering from an eating disorder or are still struggling with it, I recommend seeking professional psychological support and not attending my workshop.

    My goal is to create a safe environment for sharing experiences and knowledge in order to grow together on the path to healthy and intuitive eating habits. 🌱

    How much does the workshop cost?

    My goal is to enable as many people as possible to participate in this workshop. At the same time, it is important to me to attract a group of motivated participants who are seriously interested in tackling the topic. Therefore, the workshop has a price.

    For €59.95 you will not only receive my input and personal experiences, but also a comprehensive digital workbook that will support your journey to intuitive eating.

    This investment in yourself is intended to ensure that you not only benefit from my knowledge, but also receive the necessary tools to actively participate in your personal development. I look forward to working with you on a sustainable and positive relationship with food. ✨

    What is included in the price?

    • A digital workbook
    • exercises during the workshop
    • Answering your individual questions: Q&A questions will be answered during the webinar and afterwards

    How long does the workshop last?

    The workshop will last approximately 2 hours, with the last part offering an open exchange and, depending on how many questions come in, may take a little longer.

    What added value do you share in your workshop?

    On this journey to intuitive eating, I want to create added value based on my own experiences. In this workshop, I will share nutritional advice, you will receive practical tips, we will do exercises together and I will also tell my own story.

    My journey to healthy eating habits wasn't easy either, but by letting go of my own beliefs about food and nutrition, I found ease and joy in eating again. This personal experience, combined with professional know-how, is the added value that I want to share with you.

    What do I need for the workshop?

    For the workshop you need a stable internet connection, a device to participate (laptop, computer or mobile phone) and if you want, you can print out the workbook in advance to write in during the workshop. 💻

    Is the workshop only for people who eat vegan?

    The workshop itself is about intuitive nutrition in general - it's not about a specific diet, but about finding out what works best for you personally. 🌱

    Eileen will, however, talk a lot from her own perspective and about her own diet, which is mostly vegan, gluten-free and free of industrial sugar. ☺️

    When will I receive the workbook and the link to the workshop?

    You will receive the workbook and the link to the online workshop one day before the start of the workshop.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews

    Der Workshop war so toll und interessant gestaltet. Ich habe mir sehr viele wertvolle Infos mitnehmen können und wende die Übungen aus dem Workbook regelmäßig an.
    Vielen Dank!!

    Authentisch und heilend!

    …ein mega toller Workshop! Kann ich wirklich sehr empfehlen. Es hilft so sehr eine Verbindung zu sich selbst aufzubauen und seinen Körper noch besser zu verstehen. Ich verstehe meine Körpersignale nun viel besser und fühle mich viel wohler und ausgewogener. Ausserdem bin ich viel weniger gestresst und kann so vieles im Leben entspannter sehen und mehr geniessen! Danke für diesen tollen Workshop, Eileen! <3

    Marie R.
    Dieser Workshop hat mein Leben verändert 🥺❣️

    Großes Dankeschön an Eileen !
    Dieser Workshop hat wirklich mein gesamtes Leben verändert. Ich habe durch die intuitive Ernährung endlich meinen Traumkörper erreicht und fühle mich endlich pudelwohl in meiner Haut ! Ich kann den Workshop nur jedem ans Herz legen, der sich endlich fit und gesund fühlen will 🤗🫶🏼